For their sake, let us vote wisely

We have been blessed as a city and we as have been fortunate to be given this opportunity to be heard of what we have to say. The pen and the tongue are both mightier than the sword and in this light, we say unto you our dear kababayans;

Let us have a peaceful and honest elections.
No matter what happens, may no life be claimed in this mad event as we exercise our God given right to free elections. Let us go to the precincts as brothers and sisters, knowing that, what we have given to this city and this country, we will share together.

Let us have a clear mind.
Beyond the blaring sounds, catchy tunes, loud posters and clean (or sunburned?) smiles, let us look at our candidates one more time and see them for who and what they are, what they have done, what they have been and what they can and will do, not just for us, for the betterment of this city we call home.

Let us look at the future.
Not just at the clock, but at the faces of the children who will definitely reap what we sow on Election day.

And we say unto you, for their sake. VOTE WISELY
