As The Holy Week Apporaches

The Holy Week is again upon us and being a city in the crossroads, will be the target of wrath of many of the motorists and travelers on their way up North - whether to take a break from the capital city or to go home to their families.

As ordinary citizens, we can't really do much with the uncompleted road widening project.

In the spirit of peace that the Only Son has willingly died for, let us help de-congest the traffic with the following tips:

1. For motorists (especially those on single motorcycles), avoid the main thoroughfares. Use the alternative routes which are much smoother than the main road.

2. Don't BE the cause of traffic. Don't weave in and out of traffic. Follow traffic rules. We only have very few main intersections anyway. You wont get caught in traffic if you follow tip number 1.

3. Do your shopping or downtown errands early in the day. You wouldn't want to get caught in an automotive lockdown in these scorching afternoons.

4. If you are an Urdanetan coming home from the big city, plan your trip home during the wee hours. Your trip will be cooler, smoother and wont take as long as a day trip.

5. Be nice and helpful to any motorists asking for directions. People of San Vicente, heads up - there will be quite a handful of devotees on their way to Manaoag. BE NICE!

6. If you can help it, don't drive or commute around downtown during the day. Parking is scarce anyway.

Thats what we have so far. Other tips are aslo welcome.
